8910 Willey Road
Crosby Township, OH  45030
Hamilton County

Phone:  513.738.1440
Fax:  513.738.4310
Email:  bjackson@crosbytwp.org
CTWP Banner
 the location



The Township Trustee Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Crosby Township Senior/Community Center located at 8910 Willey Road, 45030. Call 738-1440 for more information.


Streaming videos of recent meetings can be viewed by going to the Intercommunity Cable Regulatory Commision (ICRC) website (www.icrctv.net) and clicking the links to Our Community and then Crosby Township.  





Doug Lohman, President, is serving in his third year as a Crosby Township Trustee. A local resident, Doug has owned and operated Lohman’s Feed Store & Garden Center for 26 years. He looks forward to serving the great people of our community.



Dennis A. Heyob, Vice President, has been a Crosby resident for over 50 years. He is a life-long farmer who received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Agronomy from Ohio State University. He is looking forward to continuing his service in our community and will oversee the Zoning Department.




Chuck Heis was elected a Crosby Trustee as of 2021. He previously served as a Trustee in 2016 - 2019 and Fiscal Officer from 2008-2016. Chuck is a retired CPA with a BBA and MBA from the University of Cincinnati. He has worked over 40 years as a city Income Tax Auditor, Bank Controller, and Internal Bank Auditor among other positions.
















© 2025 Crosby Township
All Rights Reserved


the lodge






The Crosby Seniors Club is a great group of folks who enjoy gathering for many activities on a regular basis. Anyone 50 years of age and above is invited to join! Their annual dues are $10 and you receive monthly newsletters to keep you informed of the “Senior Happenings”! Call the office at 513-738-1440 for more information. Please follow the link to read more about their current activities. CLICK HERE


The Senior Club is very appreciative of the grant awards from the Butler Rural Community Connection program which continues to improve our Senior Club Program!


Crosby Cafe


Live Music every 3rd Wednesday from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at the Community Center. Quality Musicians and Free Admission!!




Yoga Classes


Class is every Tuesday evening at 6:00- 7:00 PM with certified, insured instructor.  Weekly Class Fee is $10.






Click here for listing





Click here for listing




The Whitewater Shaker Village is the only one of four Ohio Shaker Villages retaining most of its original buildings in their original settings.  The village is located in Crosby Township.  Click HERE to go to the website.





The Crosby Township Historical Society regular meetings are as follows:   January and February we do not meet. April through September we meet the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. October, November, December, and March we meet the second Saturday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Our meetings are held at the Senior Center, 8910 Willey Road.


If you have any questions, please contact  Melba Guard at 513-519-6237.


The Historical Society has updated their web page with lots of new information and pictures. The page is available under the RESOURCES tab on the home page or you can click HERE to go directly to their page. 



Come See Us On Facebook - Just go to "The Crosby Township Historical Society".  Be sure to "LIKE" us.




the luxury 





Fire Chief Jason Davis is accepting applications for employment at the Crosby Fire Department. The applications are available at the Crosby Fire Department at 9139 Baughman Road in New Haven. You may also call 513-738-1831 for more information.



Crosby Township


Energy Alliances Aggregation Update



Duke’s new system (implemented in April 2022) has made lot of changes not customer friendly. One of those changes is what residentials could see because of changing aggregation suppliers from an Incumbent Supplier to New Supplier, in this case Energy Harbor. The way their system works makes it so that the Incumbent Supplier must drop any accounts on the current aggregation before Energy Harbor can pick them up. This could trigger a couple of letters from Duke depending on the resident’s status in the programs. Please contact Cathy Deters at Energy Alliances 513-794-5555 for any questions or concerns with the program.

1. Those currently on the expiring aggregation program with Incumbent Supplier
   a. They will see a drop letter from Duke telling them that Incumbent Supplier is no longer their supplier.
   b. This only goes out to those on the current program and not those at are with Duke’s default generation supply or with another supplier.
   c. These notifications likely go out around starting in June.
2. Those who get enrolled in the new program with Energy Harbor
   a. They will see an enrollment letter from Duke telling them that Energy Harbor is going to be their new supplier.
   b. These letters will go out in 3 weeks before the program starts.
3.  Those that opted out of the new Energy Harbor program.
   a. They will not receive anything from Duke regarding Energy Harbor being their new supplier.


 Click on the highlighted link below and you will be directed to their website.


Crosby Township — Energy Alliances